Chinese Herbal Medicine
What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese herbal medicine has been practiced and documented for over 2,500 years. The substances used include mostly plant materials such as roots, leaves, flowers, or the whole plant.
One of the biggest differences between Western Herbalism and Chinese Herbalism is the use of formulas instead of single herbs.
In Chinese Medicine, formulas can include anywhere from 4 to 20 herbs, each serving a different purpose in order to fine tune the formula to the patient’s specific imbalance. This is different from the Western approach of assuming that a given condition can be treated with one type of herb or herbs, regardless of the person’s constitution.

What is Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine (Jing Fang)?
The Jing Fang Six Syndrome Differentiation System is a specific clinical approach to Classical herbalism. It is a method of diagnosis that is based on the six syndromes and the eight guiding principles. This method treats the person, not the disease, and promotes the body’s natural ability to restore health. Thus the same formulas can help many diseases, and the same disease can be treated with different formulas.
What kind of Classical Chinese Herbalism training has Dr. Ozben had?
During Dr. Ozben Masters’ program, she had the opportunity to take some jing fang classes from Dr. Huang Huang. She decided from then on to learn and practice classical Chinese herbal medicine instead of using traditional Chinese herbal medicine. She did not like the TCM approach where the herbs are given in a reductionist approach of “this herb for this condition”, very much like western medicine.
She then pursued a doctoral degree to dive in deeper with Classical Chinese Herbalism. Ozben studied with one of the renowned Jing Fang teachers, Dr. Suzanne Robidoux, during her three years in the doctoral program. In 2019, she did a Clinical Internship for Neurological Disorders and Chronic Pain with Dr. Suzanne Robidoux in Toronto, Canada. Since finishing her doctorate, she has been participated in a two year clinical internship program with Dr. Suzanne, who is currently teaching from China.
While Ozben was working on her doctorate, she decided she should learn more in-depth about Pregnancy-Prenatal and Postnatal Care using Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine, so she completed a 6 month study with Genevieve Le Goff, LAc. Clearly Dr. Ozben is a lifelong student and an avid learner which is why she took another two years internship with Sharon Weizenbaum, LAc and currently staying with Dr. Eran Even, Phd.
How do you take your herbs?
We mostly use single powdered herbs to make custom formulas in our clinic. We resource only organic or premium grade herbs from Springwind Herbs and Dr. Ozben grinds them at the clinic. We also have some granules formulas, a few pills and tinctures that are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified. All of our herbs are sulfur free as well as being tested negative for DDT, Hexachlorobenzene, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium and other contaminants.
What are the conditions that Chinese Herbal Medicine can Treat?
Chinese Herbal Medicine is able to treat a wide range of acute and chronic diseases. While this list is by no means exhaustive, Chinese herbal medicine can treat the following:
Skin diseases: Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, urticaria, lichen simplex, lupus erythematosus, vitiligo, fungal & yeast infections, bacterial & viral disease such as herpes simplex, etc.
Allergic and Autoimmune disease: Hay fever, asthma, thyroid disease such as Grave’s & Hashimoto’s disease, myasthenia gravis, Sjogren’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis (MS)
Gastro-intestinal disorders: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
Gynecological conditions: Premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, endometriosis, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis
Male disorders: Infertility, low sperm count & motility, impotence, chronic prostate problems
Respiratory conditions: Asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
Rheumatologic conditions: Osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica etc.
Urinary conditions: Chronic cystitis, interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome
Psychological disorders: Insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD
Supportive therapy in the treatment of cancer: Side effects of chemo and radiotherapy, fatigue, nausea, neuropathy, low blood count etc.
Neurological conditions: Headache, migraine, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy
Cardio-vascular disease: Angina, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
Children’s diseases: Bed-wetting, recurrent tonsillitis, asthma, eczema etc.
Other: Hepatitis A, B, C, chronic fatigue syndrome ME, symptoms associated with HIV infection.
Herbal Appointments
Herbal consultations allow for a specific, detailed herbal focus on your condition. This is also an excellent way to treat more complex, chronic conditions that work better with herbs in conjunction with acupuncture. These appointments also allow you to access Dr. Ozben’s herbal wisdom no matter where you are in California, as they are available both in-person or virtually as a telehealth appointment.
Herbal Packages
Our 3-month Herbal Packages are a great way to commit to your health and address an ongoing health issue. These comprehensive packages include an initial herbal consultation, two follow-up visits, unlimited email support, three months of a custom herbal formula tailored to your case and constitution, as well as shipping (if necessary).